10 Pallet Jack Safety Tips to Prevent Accidents and Injuries

Improper use of a pallet jack can lead to serious accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. From crushed toes to tipped loads, the consequences of negligence can be severe. Therefore, it's crucial for operators and personnel working around pallet jacks to prioritize safety and understand necessary precautions.

This article explores ten safety tips for safe pallet jack operation, ensuring a healthy and productive workplace. By incorporating these practices, employees can minimize the risk of accidents and confidently operate these machines.

Pallet Jack Safety

Tips for Pallet Jack Safe Operation

Pallet jacks are commonly regarded as being safer than forklifts, but there are still safety hazards that all pallet jack operators should be aware of, including:

  • Foot Injuries – when loads are dropped, or the pallet jack moves over the foot
  • Back Trauma – from moving a loaded pallet jack or adjusting a heavy load
  • Shoulder Strain or Dislocation – when the pallet jack is pulled too forcefully
  • Bruising or Lacerations – tripping hazards caused by the pallet jack forks
  • Property Damage – when the heavy load strikes a corner, column, wall, or other stationary object
Here are some essential precautionary tips to avoid those safety hazards:

Tip 1: Inspect Before Every Use

Before every use, perform a thorough visual inspection. Look for any visible damages, worn-out parts, or loose components. Inspect the fork, wheels, handle, brake, and hydraulic system. Make sure the pallet jack is clean and free of debris. If you notice any problems, report them to your supervisor.

Tip 2: Load and Unload the Pallets Safely

When loading or unloading pallets, you should follow some basic safety rules. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Make sure the pallets are in good condition and not broken or overloaded. 
  • When loading, correctly align the pallet jack forks under the pallet and make sure they're fully inserted.
  • Never overload the pallet jack beyond its capacity. 
  • Keep the load as low as possible and avoid tilting or tipping it.
  • Secure the load with straps or shrink wrap if necessary.
  • When unloading, always lower the forks completely before attempting to remove the load.
Pallet Jack Loading and Unloading

    Tip 3: Be Aware of Surface Conditions

    Another crucial thing to consider is the condition of the warehouse floor. The optimal surface conditions or flooring play a significant role in the safe operation of a pallet jack. 

    Avoid operating on wet or slippery surfaces, as it can lead to skidding or loss of control. Additionally, be cautious of debris and obstacles that can impede the movement of the pallet jack.

    • Uneven surfaces or potholes: These can cause the pallet jack to jolt, destabilize the load, or damage the equipment. Choose smooth routes whenever possible.
    • Wet or oily floors: These create slippery conditions that can lead to loss of control and increase the risk of collisions. Use caution and slow down in such areas.
    • Ramps or inclines: Approach ramps at controlled speeds and only travel with the load uphill. Lower the forks when descending to prevent the load from rolling forward.

    Tip 4: Watch the Slopes

    Operating a pallet jack on slopes requires extra caution. According to OSHA regulations, the maximum incline for a ramp or walkway is 20 degrees. This requirement effectively sets the standard for the maximum slope of pallet trucks and forklift ramps, even though some are designed to serve steeper inclines.

    Make sure to avoid changing direction or speed on a slope. If you have to go up or down a slope, always keep the load uphill and use the brakes to control the speed. You should never leave a pallet jack unattended on a slope.

    Tip 5: Pay Attention to Warehouse Entries and Exits 

    Warehouse entries and exits are high-traffic areas prone to accidents. Always approach these areas slowly and cautiously. 

    • Sound your horn or use an audible signal: Alert pedestrians and other workers of your presence, especially around blind corners and congested areas.
    • Maintain clear visibility: Keep your head up, avoid distractions like phones, and ensure your view is unobstructed by the load.
    • Yield the right of way to pedestrians and forklifts: Always prioritize safety and give way to other traffic, especially those with limited visibility.

    Tip 6: Keep Your Foot Off the Forks

    One of the most common injuries caused by pallet jacks is foot crush. This happens when a worker places their foot on or under the forks of a pallet jack and gets it trapped or crushed by the load or the equipment.

    To prevent this, always keep your foot off the forks and away from the pallet jack wheels. Also, wear appropriate footwear that protects your feet from impact and puncture.

    Foot Crush During Pallet Jack Operation

    Tip 7: Push Rather than Pull Your Equipment While Operation

    Another common mistake that can lead to accidents is pulling rather than pushing a pallet jack. Pulling a pallet jack can cause you to lose balance and control of the equipment. It can also strain your lower back and neck muscles while straining the joints in the shoulder and elbow, which increases the risk of injury. 

    Meanwhile, pushing provides better control and visibility, thus reducing the risk of accidents. However, if pulling is necessary, ensure the load is stable and maintain a firm grip on the handle.

    Tip 8: Don’t Overspeed

    Remember, pallet jacks are not Formula-One racecars. Overspeeding through the aisles is a recipe for disaster, increasing the risk of collisions, unsafe loads, and potential tip-overs. 

    Always operate a pallet jack at a safe and reasonable speed that allows you to stop or maneuver easily. Follow the speed limits in the warehouse and adjust your speed according to the conditions.

    Tip 9: Follow Warehouse Signage Instructions

    Warehouse signage provides crucial information and guidance for safe operations. Always adhere to the posted speed limits, direction arrows, and other relevant instructions. These signs provide important information and guidance for the safety and efficiency of warehouse operations.

    They may include directions, warnings, rules, or reminders for the pallet jack operators and other workers. For example, some signs may indicate the maximum speed limit, the prohibited areas, or the emergency exits of the warehouse. You should always read and obey these signs and do not ignore or disregard them.

    Tip 10: Always Wear PPEs

    Last but not least, always wear personal protective equipment (PPE). PPEs are designed to protect you from potential hazards or injuries that may occur in the workplace. They may include gloves, boots, helmets, goggles, vests, or earplugs. You should always wear the appropriate PPEs for the task and the environment you are working in. Do not wear loose, dangling, or inappropriate clothing or accessories that may get caught or interfere with the pallet jack. Do not remove or modify the PPEs without authorization or reason.

    PPEs for Pallet Jack Operators

    How to Respond to Emergencies

    Despite adhering to safety regulations, accidents or emergencies may still happen. Therefore, you should know how to respond to them effectively and appropriately. 

    Here are some steps to follow in case of an emergency:

    • Stop the pallet jack immediately and turn off the power.
    • Check yourself and others for injuries and call for medical assistance if needed.
    • Report the incident to your supervisor or manager and fill out an accident report.
    • Do not move or touch the pallet jack or the load until the situation is assessed and cleared.
    • Follow the instructions of the emergency personnel and cooperate with the investigation.

    Recommended Read (International Guidelines)

    For a comprehensive understanding of pallet jack safety, referring to international guidelines and standards is beneficial. Organizations like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provide detailed guidelines for safe pallet jack operations. 

    Here is a recommended read for every pallet jack operator:

    1. OSHA General Industry Standard 1910.178(a)(1) 

    This document contains safety requirements for fire protection, design, maintenance, and use of fork trucks, tractors, platform lift trucks, motorized hand trucks, and other specialized industrial trucks.

    Check out other resources like ISO 3691 (2011), ANSI B56.6 (2016)ANSI/ITSDF B56.1-2016, and ANSI/ITSDF B56.1-2020 for detailed safe pallet jack operation recommendations.


    Safety should always be the top priority when operating pallet jacks. By following these ten safety tips and continuously promoting a culture of safety awareness, we can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace.

    Choose Pallet Jackson for Buying High-Quality Pallet Jack Parts

    When it comes to maintaining your pallet jacks, choosing high-quality parts is essential for longevity and safety. Pallet Jackson offers a wide range of premium parts designed to meet the highest industry standards. 

    Here's why you should choose us for your pallet jack parts needs:

    Premium Quality: 

    We offer top-tier pallet jack parts crafted with precision and durability in mind. Our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet and exceed industry standards.


    With years of experience in the industry, our team possesses unparalleled expertise. We understand the nuances of pallet jack operations and can guide you to the best parts tailored to your requirements.

    Comprehensive Range: 

    Whether you need wheels, handles, or any other component, we have an extensive inventory to cater to diverse needs. Our parts are compatible with various pallet jack models, ensuring seamless integration.


    We pride ourselves on reliability. When you choose Pallet Jackson, you invest in parts that promise longevity, reducing the frequency of replacements and associated downtime.

    Customer-Centric Approach: 

    Our commitment extends beyond sales. We provide exceptional customer support, ensuring a smooth experience from purchase to installation.

    Browse our website or contact us today to learn more about our products and services.

    By prioritizing safety and investing in quality equipment and parts, we can create a safer and more efficient workplace for everyone.

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